Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Welcome Aboard!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to the IB Physics Help page! If you are taking IB SL Physics, this is one of the best places to get help from someone who (usually) knows what he's doing!  : P

Over the past few months, many students have approached me with intriguing physics questions through Facebook, Skype, text, phone calls, and so on. I felt that it would be fun to have a "gladiator ring" where we can pound away at physics concepts. 

I'm going to do my best to update this blog every day at about 7-8 PM. Essentially, the goal of this blog is to give you helpful hints and ideas on how to solve physics problems and help you with physics concepts. I WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION!!! I will try to help you reason through it, though.

I will also post a scanned copy of Mr. Thompson's review packets here two days before test day when possible, as well as a few review questions of my own (i.e. that I made up) that Mr. T has already approved. 

I think that this will help all of us (including me) better understand physics concepts and be able to apply those concepts more effectively. If you have a physics question, post here and I will answer your question in the next post!

If you have any questions or comments about this blog, post here, send me a Facebook message, or e-mail me at satya.root.beer@gmail.com!